
What the Right-Wing propaganda neglected to say about the labour market

High percentages of immigrants have relatively high level of education and professional skills, yet take up unskilled jobs in Italy as these are the only ones available.

Among adult immigrants residents,
12.1% possess university degree
27.8% High School Diploma
2.5 % No prior schooling

*Very few immigrants obtained recognition of previous educational attainments by Italian authorities

Most immigrants between 20 to 40 years of age. They come to Italy for economic reasons.

Immigrants are employed in specific sectors characterized by tough working condition with strenuous physical effort, endurance, overtime and night shifts. These include:
Working in small manufacturing firms
Construction industry
Catering and domestic services

‘five-p jobs’: psanti, precari, pericolosi, poco pagati, penalizzati socialmente (heavy, precarious, dangerous, poorly paid, socially penalizing) also known as the ‘three-d jobs’: dirty, dangerous and demanding.

Immigrant women are typically employed in the informal economy as housekeepers or private carers.

On a positive note: ‘ethnic’ enterprises has also increased with 71,843 ethnic enterprises registered at the Chamber of Commerce in June 2004

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